Swamsa Chart Predictions

Jaimini paddhati as the subset of Parashari jyotish has been called, describes in addition to the lagna, two other personal indicators, swamsha and karakamsha. Swamsha is the navamsha of lagna (or navamsha lagna – the sign placed in the 1st house of the navamsha division chart) Karakamsha is the sign in which the atmakaraka is placed in navamsha. Jupiter In Navamsa Chart.


vrsninam vasudevo ’smi
pandavanam dhananjayah
muninam apy aham vyasah
kavinam usana kavih



Of the descendants of Vrishni I am Vasudeva, and of the Pandavas I am Arjuna. Of the sages I am Vyasa, and among great thinkers I am Usana.

Commentary by Srila Prabhupada

Krishna is the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Baladeva is Krishna’s immediate expansion. Both Lord Krishna and Baladeva appeared as sons of Vasudeva, so both of Them may be called Vasudeva.

The immediate expansions of the Lord are called svamsha (personal expansions), and there are also expansions called vibhinnamsha (separated expansions).

The swamsha or lagnamsha, the sign that rises in the navamsha chart is particularly significant in indicating all that which fructifies and is attainable in life, easily, the path of least resistance


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Jaimini paddhati as the subset of Parashari jyotish has been called, describes in addition to the lagna, two other personal indicators, swamsha and karakamsha. Swamsha is the navamsha of lagna (or navamsha lagna – the sign placed in the 1st house of the navamsha division chart) Karakamsha is the sign in which the atmakaraka is placed in navamsha. The contemporary jyotishi, Sanjay Rath JI in his translation of the sutras of Jaimini indicates that swamsha indicates that which is readily attainable in life (to the self) while karakamsha indicates that which the soul desires.

From a practical consideration, this raises some interesting possibilities, astrologically speaking: the mutual disposition of the swamsha and karakamsha would indicate whether current lifetime would be full of unfulfilled desires and unattainable dreams or would it be one of purpose and fulfilment?

The lords of swamsha and karakamsha would also have a say in this matter. Another way to look at this could be that the karakamsha indicates ones goals and tasks in this life for which one chose to be born.

Swamsha, then would represent the lessons already learned and that one is comfortable with (having crossed the bridge once or perhaps several times during previous incarnations) and that can in some cases merely represent security blankets or even escapes from the rigours of learning (for this lifetime).

Mutual relationships between the swamsha and karakamsha would indicate if the lessons are connected and continue from the past or are new ones entirely. There are at least two contemporary recommendations for karakamsha: the first one recommends using the navamsha sign in the rashi chart as the karakamsha lagna, all planets are in same rashis as the birth chart, only the lagna is the sign occupied in navamsha by the atmakaraka; the other method utilizes the navamsha chart itself, reoriented from the karakamsha lagna.


Navamsa Chart is the most important divisional chart, Navamsa means nine part of a particular Rashi in which each Amsa consists of 3 degrees and 20 minutes.
It is usually used during predictions about marriage of the native, spouse, married life etc but is also useful to know characteristics of the native and also his/her spouse in much detail.
For a planet posited in a Movable sign (Chara Rashi) counting starts from the sign itself, in fixed sign counting starts from 9th and in dual sign counting starts from 5th from where the planet is posited. Planets in the first Navamsa division. Chara Rashi, 5th division in the fixed sign (Sthir Rashi) and 9th division in Dual Rashi are Vargottoma.

Importance of Navamasa

Navamsa is invariably necessary to be checked for each and every event to be delineated from the horoscope. According to Shastras, without Navamsa chart predictions are not ventured without anyalsing the position of planets in the Navamsa chart for a particular bhava and its representative. Sthoolam or apparent look is D-1 chart, Sukhsham Sharira is D-9 chart and it should have inherent permanent strength. If Sukhsham Sharira does not possesses strength one will always be liable for having loss the materalistic possessions he has. Otherwise also sustaining engeries for a native will be very less if Sukhshma Sharira is not properly balanced.
Planets debilitated in D-1 exalted in D-9 are considered to give more favourable results and are considered to be more powerful and vice-versa. Any planet or Bhava should have equal or more strenght in D-9 chart to advocate sustaining power of that particular Bhava or planet. Any planet in its own Rashi placed in D-1 chart should go into its own Rashi, Mooltrikon sign, exaltation sign or great friend’s sign. They should not go into inimical signs, untoward behaves or connected with them should not be debilitated or should not otherwise loose strenght in D-9 chart. One has to analysis the exact strength of a planet in D-9 chart in respect of basic chart, transit chart (prashna chart) any planet gaining strength in Navamsa multiply its power with three times.

Classification and Lords of Navamsa
The lords of Navamsa are as follows:
a. The lord of first, 4th and 7th Navamsa is Deva which means the divine lord. It represent the qualities of generosity, power, wealth. Native born in this part of Navamsa are generous, religious and powerful.
b. The lord of 2nd, 5th and 8th Navamsa represent Nara which means a man or person of kind, soul and reputed. Engaged in the pursuits of human welfare.
c. The lords of 3rd, 6th and 9th Navamsa represent the charatertistics of Rakshaha or a demon. This part represent cruel, quarry, violent, selfish and person of a negative qualities.
In Navamsa two things are must to be seen. The Lagna Bhava and Lagna Lord should not be into 6th, 8th or 12th Bhava in D-9. If it is moveable sign it should not be in 6th Navamsa or 8th Navamsa, if it is fixed Sign it should not to be in 4th Navamsa and in Dual sign it should not be in 2nd, 4th, & 8th Navamsa. Secondly, 6th, 8th & 12th lord of D-1 should not get associated with Lagna Bhava or lagna lord in D-9. When the Lagna and Lagna Lord of D-9 gets associated with 6, 8 or 12 of D-9. The first level of afflictions will give the affects in the Mahadasha of Planets connecting to these Lagna Lord and Lagna. The second level of afflictions is in the Antradasha of these planets and the third level in the Pratyanter Dashas. One with experience these kinds of troubles and anxietities in life.

Swamsa Chart Predictions 2020

Blessings of Pushkara Navamsa
Pushkaramsa represent Pushkara Navamsa of 3o-20′ in a Rasi which is its most ausupious part. Each Rasi has two Pushkara Navamsa and thus their total in 12×2 = 24. These Navamsa are owned by the benefic planets and can predict benefic results, when applying in muhurata, prasana and timing of events, Jupiter when in pushkara bless the native with plenty of wealth and progress in life. In Navamsa for the purpose of self one has to see the strength of 5th house in D-9 of Lagna, Lagna Lord, the Sun and dispositior of the Sun. For analysing one’s poorva punya karma’s how will they fruitify. Lagna, lagna Lord, 3rd house, 3rd Lord, Saturn and its dispositor in D-9 they will talk of one’s endurance in this life. Poorva punaya karma’s and their afflictions can be seen from 5th houses/ 5th lord and from the Karka Jupiter and its dispositior. Now where you are analysing spouse, Lagna, Lagna Lord, 7th house, 7th Lord, Venus and its dispositor. Foreign travels and associated things – 3, 7, 9, 12 houses/ Lords (Kalapursha’s 3th lord Gemeni and its Lord Mercury alongwith Venus) they talk of foreign settlements and disease. Lagna, Lagna Lord, 6th lord, Ketu and dispositor of Ketu for diseases and curing of disases Rahu and dispositior of Rahu (in transit).

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Navamsa and Marital happiness
Navamsa chart help in analysising the married life of the spouse and their contirbution in the growth of family. It help in assessing the mental compatability with his spouse and their capactities in life. Further Navamsa chart analyses the timing of marriage and means to counteract the delays.
Individual analysis of D-9 chart is also possible for looking at the prospects of one’s life. Lagna will talk of one’s spouse and spouse qualities, temperament, colour, physical appearances, and general disposition. The following charts will help in understanding the importance of Navamsa Charts.

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