Navamsa Lagna Lord In 9th House


  1. Navamsa Lagna Lord In 9th House Jupiter
  2. Sun In 11th House Navamsa
  3. Jupiter In 10th House Navamsa

Simple and easy way to decipher D-9 (Navamsha Chart)

There has been an overwhelming response for my article ‘Timing of Marriage’ and I have been flooded with queries regarding timing of marriage, details of spouse, subsequent marital happiness and progeny.

In Navamsa for the purpose of self one has to see the strength of 5th house in D-9 of Lagna, Lagna Lord, the Sun and dispositior of the Sun. For analysing one’s poorva punya karma’s how will they fruitify. Lagna, lagna Lord, 3rd house, 3rd Lord, Saturn and its dispositor in D-9 they will talk of one’s endurance in this life. Food by Begging. Should Saturn be in 9th House along with Moon, as Lagnas Lord is in fall, the native will acquire food by begging. O Brahmin, these are the effects related to 9th House. I have explained briefly. These may be estimated with the help of the state of the Lords of Lagna and 9th House and in other manners as well.

Instead of directing the query to me, you yourselves can get answers in simple steps by decoding D-9, Navamsha Chart without getting into the hassles of full delineation of all charts. However I must caution you that the information obtained from D-9 has to be further sifted if you desire accurate answers.Navamsha, as you are aware is the 1/9th portion / Amsha of a sign which is of 30°. Therfore each Navamsha is equal to 3°20′. D-9 chart is most important in predictive Astrology. It is a complementary chart to the natal / birth chart wherein planetary strength is assessed. This chart indicates all about marriage, spouse, partners and skills of the native. In Vedic Astrology, D-9 Chart is said to be essential to consult for accurate predictions.A planet in same sign in both Rashi and Navamsha chart is said to be ‘Vargottama’ and gives excellent results during its Dasha/Bhukti/ Antara periods and also in Transit. Planets become Vargottama in following cases:
  • Movable signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) and in first Navamsha (0°- 3°20′)
  • Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) and in 5th Navamsha (13°20′ – 16°40′)
  • Dual signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) and in last Navamsha (26°40 -30°)
9thTiming of Marriage
  • Navamsha Lagna Lord in Kendra – early marriage
  • Navamsha Lagna Lord in Trikona –slight delay but will get married in time.
  • Navamsha Lagna Lord in Dusthana, spoilt by malefics like Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu – Marriage beyond 30 years.
  • Navamsha Lagna Lord is extremely spoilt – Denial of marriage.
  • Navamsha Lagna Lord in 7th House, 7th Lord in 12th House – marriage in 23rd or 26th years of age.
  • 8th House of Rashi chart is 7th House of Navamsha, Venus in Navamsha Lagna, marriage in 25th or 33rd years of age.
  • If Venus in seventh House or the Seventh Lord or the Lagna Lord of Navamsha is all afflicted then one can say that it amounts to no marriage. It would rather be better if such a person’s does not marry.
Nature of SpouseNavamsa ascendant lord in 9th house
  • The native will get beautiful, cultured, intelligent wife and will be prosperous and wealthy in his life if Navamsha Lagna Lord is
    • Exalted, in Moola Trikona or in Own house.
    • In other Vargas posited in Kendra / Trikona
    • Do not have any aspect / association with malefics.
  • If Navamsha Lagna Lord is in Dusthana, debilitatated and has aspects of malefics, the native will get mediocre / bad natured wife.
Married LifeIf in Navamsha chart
  • 7th House and 7th Lord are aspected by benefics or Venus is in good House, the married life will be smooth and happy.
  • If 7th Lord is Sun or Mars the husband and wife will be mutually honest and trustworthy.
  • If Sun, Mercury is posited in 7th House, there will be extra marital affairs.
  • If Venus is 7th Lord and is exalted or posited in Lagna or 7th House, the native will have associations with many women.
ProgenyIf in Navamsha chart
  • 5th House has benefics, 5th Lord is in associated with benefics, the native will have good progeny
  • 5th Lord of Rashi chart is posited in Kendra /Trikona of Navamsha chart, the native will have good progeny.
  • 5th House and 5th Lord are spoilt by malefics, the native will not have happiness from his children
Author’s NoteThis article is intended for novices or lay persons who can run a quick check about their marriage. Serious minded persons are to consult their astrologers for detailed analysis.
Please do not ask for free consultation.

Sun In 11th House Navamsa

Navamsa Lagna Lord In 9th HouseHouse

Jupiter In 10th House Navamsa

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