Chaos Rep Bot Aqw

  1. Aqw Chaos Rep Bot Spammer
  2. Chaos Rep Bot Aqw Exp
  3. Aqw Chaos Militia Rep Bot

This is a list of custom bots that we have made for the community. We will continue expanding this list. If you have any specific bot you would like to see and to use, leave a comment! These bots are usable on any version of Le Bot, but it is recommended to use them on the newer versions. Dungeon-Level 10 to 32 The final confrontation with Drakath is here! Ascend to the peak of Mount Doomskull and fight! Bot breakdown: The bot goes to either a private or public / Mount Dommskull through out the map Mount Dommskull, that depends on what file you're using. It moves to screen 18 where two types of Chaos Monsters are situated, two level 10 Chaos Spiders and two level 18 Chaos Drows.

Download Le Bot 4.1 (New)

Le Bot 4.1 (New)

Aqw Chaos Rep Bot Spammer

I can confirm this is 100% safe, HOWEVER use at your own risk!
  • Lag Killer;
  • Bot Manger(press F3 to open);
  • Bot Cloud(press F4 to open);
  • Packet Spammer(press F5 to open);
  • Auto use boosts(XP, CP, Gold and Rep);
  • Trade Voucher for Diamond.
  • ‘Rest if HP is less than’ button;
  • Get boosts(XP, CP, REP and GOLD);
  • Load Quest;
  • Load Shop;
  • Minimize to tray;
Botting features:
  • 1vs1 Trophies;
  • Alchemy Rep;
  • Ancient Vitae;
  • Arcangrove Rep;
  • Alchemy reagents;
  • Banished XP & Gold;
  • Combat Trophies;
  • Chronospan Rep;
  • Dinocaves XP
  • Dark Crystal Shards Bot(I recommend you bot on a full server like Twilly or Cysero, otherwise killing Vath will be tough!);
  • Doomwood rep;
  • Dwakel Gold;
  • Dwarfhold rep;
  • Escherion Helm bot[member & non-member];
  • Etherstorm Airstorm rep;
  • Etherstorm war rep;
  • Evil War(nulgath & Dage, member & non-mem)[Sord pickup added];
  • Fishing XP Bot(READ THE INFO BELOW);
  • Good & Evil + Tainted gem(requires rank 4 in both);
  • Horc rep;
  • Legion Insanely Insane bot;
  • Legion tokens(Soul Collector and non Soul Collector)(Screen Hopping added);
  • Lycan rep;
  • Mana Golem bot;
  • Mythsong rep;
  • Spirit Orbs Bot;
  • Swag Tokens (Auto conversion to A added!)[member only];
  • Sandsea rep;
  • Skyguard Rep[member only];
  • Tainted Gems;
  • Totems of Nulgath bot[Member & non-Member];
  • Troll Rep;
  • Troll + Horc;
  • Undead Pirates XP bot;
  • Vampire rep;
  • Yokai rep;
■ Acolyte
■ Alpha Pirate
■ Assassin
■ Barber
■ Bard
■ Beast Warrior
■ Berserker
■ Beta Berserker
■ Blood Ancient
■ CardClasher
■ Chaos Shaper
■ Chronomancer
■ ClawSuit
■ Darkside
■ DeathKnight
■ Defender
■ DoomKnight
■ Dragonlord
■ Dragonslayer
■ Elemental Dracomancer
■ Enforcer
■ Evolved ClawSuit
■ Evolved Shaman
■ Giftbox
■ Guardian
■ Healer
■ Leprechaun
■ Mage
■ MindBreaker
■ Necromancer
■ Ninja
■ Paladin
■ Pirate
■ Protosartorium
■ Pumpkin Lord
■ Pyromancer
■ Ranger
■ Renegade
■ Rogue
■ Rustbucket
■ Shaman
■ Skyguard Grenadier
■ Sorcerer
■ Starlord
■ Troll Spellsmith
■ UndeadSlayer
■ Vampire
■ Vindicator Of They
■ Warlord
■ Warrior
■ Witch


AqwVersion 4.1 – 20/08/12:
  • Fixed messy class bugs;
  • Re-designed the GUI;
  • Added a Map Item option to Bot Manager.

Download Le Bot 4.1 (Free Download)

AQW Bot List

*Use CTRL F to search for bots!
Aegis Rep Bot

Arcangrove Rep Bot
Chaos Rep Bot
Chaos Militia Rep Bot

ChronoSpan Rep Bot
DoomWood Rep Bot
Dreadfire Keep Rep Bot
Dwarfhold Rep Bot
Etherstorm Rep Bot
Evil Rep Bot
Faerie Court Rep Bot
Good Rep Bot
Horc Rep Bot
Lycan Rep Bot
Mythsong Rep Bot
Ravenloss Rep Bot
Sandsea Rep Bot
Swordhaven Rep Bot
ThunderForge Rep Bot
Troll Rep Bot

Vampire Rep Bot

Chaos Rep Bot Aqw Exp

Corrupt Draconic Paragon Set Bot
Dark Crystal Shard Bot

Fresh Soul & Unidentified 36 Bot
Hollowborn Oblivion Blade Bot List

Hollowborn Oblivion Blade Parts Bot
Legion Token Bot

Aqw Chaos Militia Rep Bot

Nulgath (Larvae) Bot
Tainted Gem Bot
Totem & Gem of Nulgath Bot